Are you waiting for a miracle?

Whether you need insight into a particularly tricky problem, or desire a more authentic life experience, or perhaps you’re ready to rise from deep trauma, these are all profound miracles. And they are possible. 


Invest in your relationship with yourself.

I’m Heidi Howes, and I’m a healing artist who helps individuals and communities connect to the source of their power to create soul healing and manifest miracles. 

It’s all the wonder and enchantment you’d expect from a modern shaman - wrapped up with practicality and humanity.


Improve your relationship with others.

Be your best self, alone and with others.

Over the past two decades, I’ve been a mother, teacher, energy healer, musician, and writer and community organizer. I’m honored to say that my art and healing practices have impacted thousands of people.


I am often able to see the root of someone's stuck energy and help them to clear it. I have honed my psychic abilities and have been able to connect with the guides and allies of my clients, as well as support them in making a direct connection.


Signature Services.

Healing Services

Healing Services

School of the Modern Shaman

School of the Modern Shaman



You need magic every day.

Every day, we have to wade through a relentless surge of soul-less information and stimuli. The experience tends to shut down our sense of wonder.

Every day, you're over-exposed to cynical narratives that are devoid of delight and mystery. That's why you have to make such

strenuous efforts to keep your world enchanted. 

And I don’t mean hocus pocus.

Magic is an everyday experience: it’s love in the face of great adversity, it’s healing from trauma, it’s a kind word in a dark moment. Magic is everywhere… Let me help you see it. 

With me you get:

Consistent Realness Creating an unattainable image is an exhausting premise for both myself and others. It may not always be pretty or eloquent, but I will be honest and real with you. I will always create space for myself and my audience to be our fully authentic, messy selves.

Powerful Compassion As an empath, I often experience the deeply ugly, sad or traumatic parts of people’s lives. I will always channel my most powerful compassion first and foremost for myself, which in turn makes room for this same compassion for others.


Unwavering Integrity Some days magic feels big and it flows through me freely. Some days I experience it abundantly in others. And some days, I desperately need to reconnect back to myself. I am always honest about how I can help and guide in the moment, and I proactively prepare for times of rest during times of wild creativity so that my audience never feels abandoned. Instead, they support me in my quest for (re)centeredness. 

“Heidi opened up some deep truths my soul had known but my mouth had been afraid to speak. I shifted my relationships and my business. I went from struggling to surfing. My business has never been more successful and the toxic relationships have shifted. The air, my friends, is sweeter here. Heidi was the echo my soul needed to surface. Trust me - we ALL need a Heidi in our lives.”

— Crystal Adair-Benning

“Heidi is a truly amazing teacher, healer, and shaman. Her genuine and kind energy is almost overwhelming to me as someone that has a hard time trusting others due to trauma. I say overwhelming because it's a new experience for me to feel. She literally peered into my soul and I will be forever grateful to Heidi! ”

—Kim Fortier

As a modern shaman and guide, it is my mission to enable you to see your own innate magic, as well as the magic in the world around us.

“My overall experience of School of The Modern Shaman was absolutely amazing. It was exactly what I was looking for without even knowing I was looking for it! I have definitely noticed a drastic change in how connected I am with my own self and the levels of trust I have in my gifts.”

— Kirsten S.

Not sure what’s right for you? Let’s chat.

There’s no commitment, pressure, or obligation.